
SolarTech Completes 462 Panel Photovoltaic Installation with 447,340 kWh Annual Capacity on Burgos Manufacturer’s Roof


SolarTech, a Madrid-based company, has completed the installation of 462 solar panels on the roof of Elements of Fastening Galvanized, a manufacturer in Burgos. The photovoltaic modules are from the Chinese-Canadian brand Canadian Solar, specifically the HiKu7 Mono PERC 640W – 665W CS7N model.


These panels, constructed with 210 mm wafers, measure 2,384×1,303×35 mm, weigh 35.7 kg, and contain 132 monocrystalline half cells. According to the manufacturer, these panels can reduce system break-even costs by up to 5.7% and lower a project’s levelized cost of energy (LCOE) by up to 8.9% compared to conventional 445W modules.


“PERC solar cell technology was chosen because it is the most efficient technology on the market,” said Luis Ángel González, head of Marketing and Communication at Elements of Fastening Galvanized (ESG).

The photovoltaic system also features inverters from the Chinese brand Sungrow, models SG110CX – V112/1000 V and SG33/40/50CX. The SG110CX inverter, which includes 9 MPPTs, boasts a maximum efficiency of 98.7%, an integrated PID recovery function, and supports remote firmware updates. It meets IP66 and C5 protection standards and offers surge protection with Type II SPD for both direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). Additionally, it incorporates a night-time Q function and allows for 2-in-1 DC connections.

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The solar panel structure, inclined at 30º, is from the Chinese brand Sunforson. “Since it was installed on the factory roof, only a southeast orientation was available,” González added.

Regarding budgets and return on investment, González explained, “SolarTech has covered 100% of the installation and maintenance costs. In return, we share the benefits of the energy savings with the installation company.”

The Burgos manufacturer anticipates an annual energy production of 447,340 kWh from the new photovoltaic system.

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