
Cyprus Chamber Of Commerce & Industry Transforms Headquarters Into Renewable Energy Hub, Pioneering Sustainability

Representational image. Credit: Canva

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Keve) announced the completion of its headquarters’ transformation in Nicosia into an eco-friendly building, reflecting its dedication to fostering sustainability among members and advancing environmental stewardship in Cyprus.


Keve emphasized the growing importance of implementing energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly systems, in line with European and national policies prioritizing low-energy and low-carbon initiatives. With the European Commission’s focus on digital and clean energy transitions to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, Keve underscored the pivotal role of digital technologies in facilitating this transition.


Driven by the urgent need to address environmental challenges and the rising adoption of digital solutions, Keve detailed a comprehensive array of enhancements to its headquarters. These upgrades encompass various sustainability features, including a vertical garden on the north facade for air purification and biodiversity promotion.

A 53kW solar photovoltaic (PV) system covers the roof and south facade, generating approximately 60% of the building’s energy demand while providing shading to reduce cooling needs. Heating and cooling systems have been replaced with energy-efficient units utilizing eco-friendly refrigerants. Smart meters and a Building Management System (BMS) optimize energy usage in compliance with regulations.

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Furthermore, digital upgrades, such as energy-efficient servers, minimize the building’s environmental footprint. Three private electric vehicle (EV) charging stations support sustainable transportation, while an air quality monitoring system ensures occupant comfort.

Keve highlighted the GoGreen project, co-funded by the Interreg Balkan-Med EU cross-border program, as a testament to its commitment to promoting sustainable practices. Encouraging members to adopt similar measures, Keve aims to reduce environmental impact and foster a more sustainable future for Cyprus.

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