
Prince AbdulAziz bin Salman Launches Saudi Arabia’s Renewable Energy Survey Project

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In a significant step towards bolstering its renewable energy sector, Saudi Arabia has initiated a groundbreaking Geographic Survey Project for Renewable Energy sites across the Kingdom. The project, launched in the presence of His Royal Highness, Prince AbdulAziz bin Salman bin AbdulAziz Al Saud, Minister of Energy, aims to identify optimal locations for solar and wind energy projects through the installation of 1,200 measurement stations.


HRH Prince AbdulAziz bin Salman highlighted the project’s global significance, noting that it covers over 850,000 square kilometers, excluding populated areas and specific environmental restrictions—a scale comparable to the combined land areas of major European nations. This extensive survey, unprecedented in scope globally, underscores Saudi Arabia’s commitment to expanding its renewable energy capacity.


The project’s first phase involves surveying diverse regions of the Kingdom to pinpoint suitable sites for renewable energy projects based on resource abundance and development priority. Subsequently, advanced measurement stations will be deployed at selected sites, gathering crucial data such as solar irradiance, wind speed, atmospheric conditions, and environmental factors.

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“These measurement stations will utilize cutting-edge technology to ensure data accuracy and reliability,” stated HRH Prince AbdulAziz bin Salman. The collected data will be continuously monitored and analyzed through a dedicated platform at the Ministry of Energy, leveraging artificial intelligence to assess site suitability swiftly and facilitate project planning.

Moreover, the project aims to expedite the development of Saudi Arabia’s renewable energy projects by providing finance-ready data to local and international investors. This initiative is expected to eliminate the typical 18 to 24-month waiting period for data acquisition, thereby reducing project implementation risks and enhancing investment attractiveness.

HRH Prince AbdulAziz bin Salman emphasized that this ambitious endeavor aligns with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 goals, aiming for renewable energy sources to constitute about 50% of the Kingdom’s energy mix by 2030. The initiative also supports the Liquid Fuel Displacement Program, aimed at reducing reliance on liquid fuels in electricity generation.

Starting this year, Saudi Arabia plans to tender new renewable energy projects annually, targeting a capacity of 20 gigawatts by 2030, with projections to scale up to 100 to 130 gigawatts depending on electricity demand growth.

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In conclusion, HRH Prince AbdulAziz bin Salman expressed gratitude to King Salman bin AbdulAziz Al Saud and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin AbdulAziz Al Saud for their steadfast support of Saudi Arabia’s energy sector development and Vision 2030 objectives.

The Geographic Survey Project for Renewable Energy sites marks a pivotal milestone in Saudi Arabia’s journey towards sustainable energy leadership and underscores its commitment to global environmental stewardship.

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