
Cyprus And Montenegro Pledge To Enhance Energy Cooperation Amid Official Visit

A file photo of Cyprus and Montenegro Pledge to Enhance Energy Cooperation Amid Official Visit

President Nikos Christodoulides of Cyprus warmly welcomed President Jakov Milatović of Montenegro at the Presidential Palace in Nicosia, marking a significant milestone as the first-ever official bilateral visit by a Montenegrin President to Cyprus.


President Milatović and his delegation were greeted with ceremonial honors before engaging in private discussions followed by expanded talks between their respective delegations.


Speaking to the media, President Christodoulides emphasized the deepening bilateral ties and the shared commitment to international law, peace, and regional stability. Acknowledging the historical friendship between Cyprus and Montenegro, he highlighted ongoing efforts to broaden cooperation beyond traditional sectors into new areas such as energy.

“We are pleased to solidify our multifaceted cooperation with Montenegro, aiming to expand beyond sectors like tourism and trade into critical areas such as energy,” stated President Christodoulides. The discussions included plans to finalize agreements in education, culture, and technology, underlining Cyprus’s readiness to support Montenegro’s EU accession process.

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“Cyprus serves as an exemplary model for Montenegro in utilizing EU accession for national development,” President Milatović remarked, congratulating Cyprus on its 20th anniversary since joining the EU. He expressed Montenegro’s appreciation for Cyprus’s support in advancing EU accession chapters and invited President Christodoulides to visit Montenegro.

The official visit of President Milatović marks a pivotal moment in Cyprus-Montenegro relations, setting the stage for enhanced cooperation in energy and other strategic sectors, as both countries look forward to strengthening their partnership in the years ahead.

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