
Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines, Introduces Solar Irrigation Project For Agricultural Enhancement

Representational image. Credit: Canva

In a collaborative effort between the Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU) of Nueva Vizcaya and a mining firm, a solar irrigation project has been initiated to bolster agricultural productivity in the province.


Named ‘Padanum ti Umili,’ this project will be executed by the PLGU in partnership with Oceana Gold Philippines, Inc. through a Memorandum of Agreement.


The primary objective of the project is to provide a dependable water supply for corn and vegetable farming areas across lowland municipalities. It utilizes solar energy to power irrigation systems, aiming to increase crop yields and promote environmental sustainability.

Funded by OGPI’s Provincial Development Fund amounting to P14 million, the ‘Padanum ti Umili’ Project will initially focus on the towns of Solano, Quezon, and Villaverde.

A significant portion of the fund, P7 million, has been allocated for the construction of the Balacquit Solar Power Irrigation System in Bintawan Norte, Villaverde town, which is expected to irrigate approximately 100 hectares of farmland.

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Expressing gratitude for the project, Bintawan Norte Barangay Captain Crisanto Del Rosario emphasized its potential to stabilize crop production and reduce the community’s environmental impact.

In Quezon municipality, P4.4 million has been earmarked for the establishment of the LGU Demo Farm SPIS, aimed at irrigating at least 150 hectares.

Municipal Agriculture Officer Gilbert Cadiente highlighted that the benefits of the solar irrigation project will extend to neighboring communities as well.

Furthermore, the ‘Padanum ti Umili’ Project funded the construction of the Polloc SPIS in Barangay Roxas, Solano, with P3 million, serving as the demo farm for the PLGU.

Governor Jose Gambito emphasized the significance of the Padanum ti Umili project, describing it as an investment not only in agriculture but also in the people of Nueva Vizcaya. By embracing solar technology, the province aims to foster a more sustainable and prosperous agricultural sector.

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